Ladies of Skyy

that ALL Got Down with.
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Randy G. Music, LLC and Lej Management caught this group just before they hit their national tour. We all know that at a national tour, you'll get only a glimpse of them up on stage. Our event, they sat at the table next to you, and then shared pictures with you after their sing-along performance.

The weather outside was cold and raining but it didn't dampen the warm and cozy atmosphere inside. New friendships were created as old friendships reconnected.

All in the setting of The Assembly Steak House, Englewood Cliffs, NJ

An exceptional value at $40, a fantastic value at only $25. The evening went way beyond the advertised time.

Sorry you missed out? Then contact us to Get Down with the next Upscale Moment.

The 3 Ladies of Skyy, on your left, shares a moment with a guest.