Is that rocking’ Event just bubbling inside of you, waiting to burst out?

The Events Survey just got better. Enjoy your ideal tour, as our guest!
My better-half gets the credit for this one. She proofs all of my blogs and asked, 'why not reward the person providing best event concept?'Her suggestion made immediate sense. The details of making a choice are evolving but the key point is, you provide the best venue that JNL Creative Tours chooses to host and you and your guest can attend as our guest on that particular tour.
To say it more simply, be the one to provide the best event that we decide to host and, you and a guest get to enjoy the chosen event as our guests.*
Details to be provided shortly and will include:
- must be 18 years of age or older
- only one winner for this contest and the winner will be announced on this site and to the winner by email
- entries will be taken from the suggestions box of the survey
- if you've already submitted your survey entry and would like to resubmit to include a suggestion, please contact us so we can provide you a fresh link
- stronger suggestions will include the concept, location and best time of year to host (i.e.: may be a place you've been to or would like to attend with your friends)
- weaker entries will be simply a list of possible venues
- a deadline for entries will be announced shortly (likely by the end of 2012)
- a date to announce winner and the chosen event will be provided
- deciding the winner will be solely determined by JNL Creative Tours
- this is not a lottery so number of entries is not necessarily a plus, we are more interested in the quality of the suggestion
Look here at some of the JNL Creative Tours upcoming venues.